4 secrets to success when working remote

Did you know that approximately 14% of employees are currently working remotely? This percentage has drastically increased in recent years in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. In response to the changing work dynamics, many companies have now gone on to embrace either fully remote or hybrid work models — allowing employees to blend remote work with
traditional office-based work.

Platforms like Inspiring Interns are valuable resources for those interested in pursuing remote job opportunities. Here you’ll discover graduate jobs and internships in all sectors across the UK and even worldwide. However, transitioning to remote work isn’t always straightforward. It requires careful planning and adjustment to ensure productivity and well-being.

The good news is that there are several strategies you can use to navigate the challenges of working remotely effectively:

Manage self-discipline

The key to successful remote working? Good self-discipline. Without the familiar structure of a traditional office setting, it’s easy to succumb to distractions or procrastination (whether it be the TV, games console, or even must-do chores around the house). With this in mind, it’s wise to set up a daily routine to stick to help you stay organised and focused on your tasks.

Just think of your remote workday as you would conduct yourself in the office — show up on time, and prepare yourself to dive into your work with full concentration. To keep distractions at bay, turn off your smartphone and set reminders for when to start and finish the working day.

Communicate regularly

Whether you’re working full-time remote, or spend some of the working week in the office, it’s important to keep in close contact with your team. This is not only to keep you in the loop with the latest updates but also for the sake of your mental health. After all, working with no colleagues around you can get pretty lonely.

By using various communication channels like email, instant messaging, video conferencing, and project management tools, remote workers can collaborate effortlessly and minimise any misunderstandings and errors when it comes to tasks.

Set up a designated workspace

Setting up a designated workspace is key for optimising your productivity and focus, whether you’re working remotely or studying from home — and there are several reasons why.
Firstly, it creates a physical boundary between your work or study activities and your personal life, helping you maintain a healthy work-life balance. It also reminds you and others that when you’re in this space, you’re in “work/study mode”, which can help you get into a more productive mindset and reduce interruptions.

However, don’t just choose anywhere, such as a busy room of the home or a bustling café. Ideally, select a quiet area with good natural light and minimal distractions.

If you’re having trouble finding a suitable space, exploring accommodation options on UniPlaces.com might be worthwhile. Here, you can find a variety of cozy properties across the globe, catering to every budget.

These spaces offer the opportunity to combine travel with remote work, allowing you to explore new destinations while staying productive. Once you’ve found a place, invest in ergonomic furniture to support your posture and reduce physical strain during long periods of work or study.

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